Monday, November 26, 2007

Post Nine - Machinima

Hi guys, it has been a long while since I've posted anything in this blog, but hope you forgive me for that. Anyways, I'm here today to give you the URL of the three items that I promised you. The Machinima Unreal Tornament Mapping, the Machinima Sound file and the Machinima Animatic. All three of the files are located in a folder called Machinima which is on my FTP server. The URL for the server is:

Also I'm not so sure if this is my last posting for this blog, but hopefully I will be back from time to time to see what I can add extra to the blog.

For now, I hope you all have a good holiday.
A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Andy Nguyen

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Post Eight - Machinima


Sorry guys, I cannot get the scanner to work at the moment. So I'm just gonna post in some of the completed stuff that I did today. Most or should I say all of the materials for the Machinima is completed, just that I don't have enough time to actually put the materials together for a complete Machinima. Oh well, that's too bad because today was pretty much the dead line for the Machinima.

Anyway on with the post, I'd like to show you guys a few things in this post today. But the Storyboard will have to delay till at least tomorrow so I can get the scanner to work. First of, I'd like to show you guys some completed Textures that I did over the past days.


Well there they are, they're not that great of Textures but I did what I could with the times I had left. Anyways, the next thing is the UT Environment Map I made and a Sound File that I've also rendered but I have a slight problem at the moment, it seems I don't know how to import the Sound File and the UT Environment Map into this post. So I am going to end this post here and hopefully tomorrow I would find a way to import the Sound File and the UT Environment Map. My apologies for the inconvenient but there is nothing I can do now, see you guys tomorrow.

Andy Nguyen

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Post Seven - Machinima

Hi guys,

It's been awhile hasn't it? Hahaha, Sorry for the late post.

Okay, I've completed the Ninja Sword for my main character's weapon, hopefully it looks good to you guys. One more thing I would like to talk about before I leave the post, the first few post I did about the Machinima is missing something. Yep it's basically the storyboard that I've missed, just to let you guys know that I will be posting the storyboard very soon so stay tun.

Anyways here the completed image for the Ninja Sword model.


Andy Nguyen