Monday, July 30, 2007

Post One - Machinima

Not very far with the machinima, so expect nothing from me yet. Though I have started on modeling my main character. The character image sketches, background storyline and storyboard is complete.

The Machinima is basically about a young female ninja trying to kill some Killikame ninjas, revenging for her loved ones, but it turns out that she is not too skilled in reality.

The Machinima goes on, and as it goes on you will find that it is not a normal ninja violent Machinima. You will fine that this is a Machinima making fun of a female ninja. There are too many male ninja clips out there so I decided to make mine as a female and if you want to know why there are funny themes, well there are not many ninja clips that are put in a comedy genre. This Machinima will run for about three minutes using an Unreal Tournament game engine. The main theme of this clip is pretty dark, not much color will apply due to olden day fashion areas and clothing. There will be three stages that I will be using, the first one would be just an outdoor where you’ll probably see a few things like an old house and a well, I'm just trying to make it look like a village. The second stage will occur in Venjisaki’s house, where she gets dressed and equipping her weapons and of course you won’t see her getting dressed. Finally the third stage will be shot in a bamboo forest which is also connected to a waterfall scene where the Machinima ends. This Machinima is basically just a prequel that I might think of making the full series in the future and it runs on PC, no other console.

Oh and the name of the Machinima is "Yoma Ninja".

Andy Nguyen


NOTE: This has nothing about the Machinima.

A new anime has been released and it has to be watched. CLAYMORE
Download and watch it to know what this whole Blog is about.

Ether then that, the Machinima is still in progress. Pictures are posted, though its not much. By the way, her name is Venjisaki Nasoyou.

Andy Nguyen